Thursday, June 21, 2012

Navy Advancement Center:For Nko in early 2010 Hamari News

You are here: Home // Headlines , World News // Navy Advancement Center:For Nko in early 2010 Navy Advancement Center:For Nko in early 2010-The Centre for the Advancement of Marine (NAC) pages provide links directly to the document bibliography exam, and provide shopping and one-stop ‘virtual sailors who have been tracking numerous publications and references to prepare for exams.Sailors preparing for examinations, advancement is obtained a new tool to make the quest easier: Navy Knowledge Online (Nko) Web pages will provide links to this article in the advancement of bibliographies.We are planning to launch the Center for the Advancement pages Nko in early 2010, making the information easily accessible for most of the sailors, “said Kirk Schulz, President of Operations and Analysis Division, Center for the Advancement freely in Pensacola.” Each of the links professional military (PMK) Knowledge to be available for each grade and evaluation, we have aimed at a professional reference links to the start of March. ”This PMKs include references such as: NAVEDTRA 14325, military requirements, basic (BMR]), and NAVPERS 15665, United States Navy Uniform Regulations.And provided links PMK available in August 2009, but the sailors could only reach through the Web site Breda.

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