Saturday, June 16, 2012

Satyana Hannigan Denisof Is One Happy Baby

Charlotte Grace Gellar-Prinze isn’t the only beautiful Buffy the Vampire Slayer baby that we get to check in with today … here are a few gorgeous photos of Buffy alum Alyson Hannigan, hubby Alexis Denisof (a BtVS and Angel alum) and their precious baby girl Satyana coming home from a shopping trip together this weekend, [...]

Earlier today we learned the unfortunate news that Buffy the Vampire Slayer is being remade in a new film completely without creator Joss Whedon‘s input and so in order to try and wash away some of the bad taste regarding that news, here are a couple of new photos of BtVS alum Sarah Michelle Gellar and her beautiful daughter Charlotte Grace making their way to dinner here in SoCal last night:

SMG and Charlotte enjoyed a lovely dinner date with another mother and baby daughter couple at Katsuya in Brentwood, CA. Can you believe how big Charlotte has gotten already? We don’t get to see the little Miss very much so I’m always so surprised at how big she grows every time we get to see her. Mother and daughter look great … and I’m just gonna go ahead and say that SMG is the only Buffy for me. Period. The end.

[Photo credit: X17]

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