Monday, July 23, 2012

Deciding How Many Microphones and What Kind

Few can forget the images of Yo-Yo Ma at President Obama's inauguration, performing in frigid 30-degree weather along with Itzhak Perlman, Gabriela Montero, and Anthony McGill. The musicians didn't appear to be cold, but you had to wonder how they resisted shivering. Below freezing is probably a little too cold for most musicians, but still, winter gigs can be fun, even if it's as simple as caroling with friends.

Rutherford Hayes
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Avril Lavigne
internet articles
annuaire alarme

1 comment:

  1. due to the technology reveal everything is upgrading and now old fashion microphones are disappearing from the market. Now new and modern with the small size are coming in the market. Commercial Exterior Painting Services in Maryland But as you share some kinds this best for the knowledge base.
