Friday, July 6, 2012

Les News, 112410

John Travolta and Kelly Preston welcome the birth of a baby boy they’ve named Benjamin. Kate Gosselin blames everyone but herself for her children’s bad behavior. Neil Patrick Harris talks to The Talk about being a new dad. Paul McCartney takes a spill. THESE kids are deffo something to be thankful for this year :D [...]

Yesterday we saw photos of our dear Britney Spears enjoying a loving afternoon in Calabasas, CA with her BFF/assistant Brett Miller. While I love seeing photos of Britney and Brett, I lamented the fact that we hadn’t seen Britney and her beau Jason Trawick out and about for some time now. Right on cue, new photos of Britwick came out that showed the couple making their way thru LAX Airport last night on their way out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow:

It’s not clear where the couple are headed … might they be making their way to Kentwood, Louisiana to celebrate Thanksgiving in Britney‘s hometown? OR, might the couple be headed off to NYC so that they can celebrate the holiday with Jason‘s family who live there? It is also possible that Britwick might be ditching their families altogether and are headed for Hawaii, the site of their Summer vacation to relive their Summer romance? Wherever Britney and Jason go, I’m sure they are thankful that they can be together … and it is my sincerest wish that they enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving together.

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin]

Adolphe Cassandre
Mark Rothko
Sam Francis
Louis Tiffany


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